субота, 25 квітня 2015 р.

The Letter to the Students of Vocabulary Class


    Welcome to the beginning of the year and wish you to be patient and persistent. I hope, that the 2nd year at our university will be as useful for you as it was for me.
    Firstly, I'd like to advise you not to be lazy-bones. Don't procrastinate, really, it is bad habit. I would say, an awful one. After that, you'll suffer the consequences of your laziness and burn the midnight oil. Believe me, it's much better to do everything in time.
    Secondly, don't be as stubborn as a mule, saying that you can't do this or that. You should give a try! In fact, all this sites and apps, that you don't like now, will come in useful in a few years.
    And the last hint from me: write your notes!  They are highly effective and will help you not to fail miserably! Especially, during the tests, if you know what I mean. ;)
    I hope, that every of you will make a breakthrough and bring out best of your Vocabulary classes.  And bear in mind, that practice makes perfect!

Sinccerely yours, Julia and Unicorn Tom.

His story, her story

   War is always a vast loss of civilians and innocent people that don’t  have beneficial effect on the events.  During the war, many people suffer from the dire consequences,  and improper handling of weapons can create a bad impression.
   September 1, 1939 the Poland was attacked by Germany. Needless to say, military and civilian people were mobilized and enlisted, some of them were in reserve.
   September 27, 1940 was negotiated a peace agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan was signed the Tripartite Pact. Covenant predicted that the next 10 years the participating countries will offer each other support and make a breakthrough in achieving geopolitical goals, chief among which were identified restore a new world order, keeping peace and make progress in science.
   Furthermore, December 18, 1940 was another cunning Hitler plan of "Barbarossa", it was the code name of the Third Reich war plan against the USSR. Plan "Barbarossa" anticipated fleeting military campaign of complete defeat of the Red Army and admiration of European part of the USSR on the line Volga - Arkhangelsk, which caused on uproar and it caused a sensation in humans, but underlying cause has not been identified.

Every war has dire consequences, but always after black stripe white comes.

неділя, 19 квітня 2015 р.


Everybody has heard about the forest fires in Baikal, Russia. I think, that it is a big loss for the humanity, because hundreds of forest’s acres burned per 24 hour. It was a natural habitat for many animals. But there are some suspicions, that people are guilty in this environmental catastrophe.

That fact can shock. At times when the nature suffers from the earthquakes, floods, droughts and tsunamis we have to support the work of natural reserves in order to conserve the endangered species and don’t let them die out.

But it seems to me, people do everything that is harmful for the environment. Deforestation, desertification, using non-renewable sources of energy, using vehicle that produces exhaust fumes, - all this can lead to the global warming

In order to provide our children with pretty nice and safe place of living, it is absolutely vital to use alternative energy sources, such as solar power, wind power, etc. We should find a solution how to keep our soils fertile. Our task is enrich our planet with forests and minimize toxic wastes.

Only together we can achieve the wonderful future for the next generations. Unite our actions with the Earth in thoughts!

вівторок, 14 квітня 2015 р.

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

As a student I know, that our life can be unpredictable. But it is extremely important to have a rhythm of the day, especially in relation to nutrition. In our age healthy eating has a great influence on our future health. In order to have the longevity, try to switch on a sound of judgement and remember next brochure.

You have to show all your persistence and endurance in order to give in to your favorite sweets or go without fats, but you have to realize that sound mind in a sound body!

субота, 11 квітня 2015 р.


   Jim bore a striking resemblance to his father, when he was at the age of twenty. He had an oval face, straight nose, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. In general, he was really well-built handsome man. Everybody who knew him, could say, that he was a clever person that never hurt others feelings and always put others first. But he had one problem, – he was painfully shy.
   One day Jim was walking slowly through the park, and saw her. She was a well-dressed beautiful woman, with shoulder-length jet-black hair. She was sitting on the bench and reading a book. Suddenly, Jim realized that it was a love at first sight. He couldn’t pluck the courage to come to her. But finally he did.

     She said that, her name is Kate.

   They were walking together and communicating some time, and Jim understood that Kate is his type. She was gregarious, optimistic person with a sense of humor. At the same time Kate was highly-intelligent, so Jim took to her immediately.  
In fact, Kate was drawn to Jim, too. So, when Jim asked her out, she accepted his proposal without doubts.
   In a few year they married, and stuck together for good.

понеділок, 30 березня 2015 р.

Letter to Victoria

Dear Victoria,

 I would like to tell you about my life now. I remember that day two months ago, when we met. I really appreciate your help, because without your tips it was impossible for me to get accustomed to living in America. Now, I used to it, but at the beginning it was considerably difficult. Fortunately, I have some my books with me, and when I felt nostalgia for my native country I just started to read it. In fact, reading is my only kind of pleasure here but I have a faith, that everything will be better. I had a cultural shock, but it disappeared because of the diverse of other problems, so, now I’m trying to soak all the information up in order to go to school later. But there is one drawback – it is difficult for me to live in such a vibrant city, so once or twice a month I go for a wander to see some remote areas, stunning views and unique places, to sit in silence and read a book.
What about my family, we are living in the apartment that is very similar to yours. I slept in the kitchen on the kip, but now it is too cold and I sleep on the bed with my little sister, and it really makes a change. We don’t have time to laze around, so I help my mom to do different work in the house, for example yesterday I sewed clothes and my sister sold it. In general, we are trying to retain the apartment in good conditions and my father has a desire to restore it in future. Daddy’s business is flourishing enough to say that in a few years our life will be more comfortable.
Tell me about your life, is it changed? How is your family? It would be nice if you visit me, but let me know in advance. I'm looking forward for your letter!

With love, Valentina.